

Please note that the Program Meetings begin at 7PM at the Bainbridge Township Library Community Room

(unless otherwise noted)

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting — ***RESCHEDULED***

Wednesday, April 9, 2025 @ 7pm

Our Local Weatherman.  WKYC Senior Meteorologist Matt Wintz will join us to speak about his personal story of how he became interested in the weather, and his journey that landed him here as a resident of Bainbridge Township.





Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 7pm

Weird Moments in Cleveland Sports.  Meet author Vince Guerrieri as he reveals some of the strange events he has compiled in his book Weird Moments in Cleveland Sports: Bottlegate, Bedbugs, and Burying the Pennant.  Guerrieri is an editor with the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram and has covered sports in his journalism career.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting — ***CANCELED***

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 7pm

Our Local Weatherman.  WKYC Senior Meteorologist Matt Wintz will join us to speak about his personal story of how he became interested in the weather, and his journey that landed him here as a resident of Bainbridge Township.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 @ 7pm

A Kayak Trip Down the Ohio River.  Inspired by the book The Pioneers by David McCullough, BTHS member Jim Henry and friends will recount the events of their kayak trip down the Ohio River from Pittsburgh to Marietta.  Their presentation will include historical references and plenty of photographs.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 @ 7pm

Let’s Revisit the Richfield Coliseum.  CSU Professor Gerry Nemeth will lead us on a fun filled journey to the past as we take a look at the history of the Richfield Coliseum beginning with its opening with Frank Sinatra on October 26, 1974. Through a PowerPoint presentation and talk, we will be taken down memory lane with clips of past concert performances, the Cavs Miracle of Richfield, the Cleveland Force and Crunch, and much more. Prizes and a few surprises!

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 @ 7pm

The Use of Military Horses in WWII.   Dr. Gary Domanick is a WWII  history buff who is passionate about keeping history alive. He will explain the importance of military horses during WWII, with special emphasis on the D-Day Invasion which paved the pathway to victory for our nation and allies. Dr. Domanick’s enthusiasm for the topic is evident in his dynamic presentation.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 7pm

Bainbridge Police K9 Officer & Demonstration. Geauga County Sheriff Deputy Wendl and K9 police dog, Argo, will demonstrate the role of police dogs within our Bainbridge Police Department. We will learn the steps involved in acquiring and training these special dogs and their loyal companionship to their partners. An exciting demonstration will be included.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society to Participate in Township Memorial Day Parade

Sunday, May 26, 2024 @ 11:30am

Memorial Day Parade begins at 11:30am.  Parade begins at the Commons (plaza north of the fire station) and will proceed up Bainbridge Road to Restland Cemetery.  Following the parade will be a memorial service honoring our heroes at the Cemetery.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 7pm

Ohio Amusement Parks.  Ohio Amusement Parks will be the topic at the Bainbridge Township Historical Society’s May Program Meeting.  Professor Gerry Nemeth from Cuyahoga Community College will talk about amusement parks of yesteryear that many of us have experienced. Take a trip back in time to days of exciting adventures at your favorite park.  The program is free to attend.  All are welcome.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 7pm

U.S. Route 6/G.A.R. Highway.  The Bainbridge Township Historical Society will host Gary Hunter, Executive Director of the U.S. Route 6 Tourist Association at it April Program Meeting.  The presentation will consists of stories and pictures of the history of U.S. Route 6/G.A.R. Highway that will leave you yearning a road trip along the nation’s longest, oldest, highest transcontinental highway.  The program is free to attend.  All are welcome.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 7pm

Geauga County Amish Heritage.  Join Chester Kurtz, a member of the local Amish community and board member of the Geauga Amish Historical Library, as he informs us about the past, present and future of Ohio’s Amish communities. This is an enlightening program that will answer all of your questions about the Amish way of life. A book published by the Geauga Amish Historical Library, titled Our Amish Heritage, will be available to purchase for $5.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 7pm

Ship of Gold – the SS Central America. The 1857 demise of a ship carrying tons of gold and passengers was a tragedy of the gold rush when it sank in a hurricane off the Carolina Coast. It remained at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for over 130 years until a Columbus, Ohio exploration team found and salvaged the gold and other artifacts. Meet Bob Evans, who was the chief scientist on the expedition, as he recounts his experience. For information about the recovery mission, read America’s Lost Treasure by Tommy Thompson – the book is mostly photographs of the expedition.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Program Meeting

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 7pm

Ice Age Mammoths and Mastodons of Ohio.  With a focus on significant discoveries in Northeast Ohio including mastodon, mammoth, giant ground sloth and elk-moose, Dan Best will speak to us about the creatures who roamed these lands before us. The stories of three mastodon finds in Geauga County will be recounted. Also featured will be a display of mammoth bones, heirlooms of the Whiting Family on whose farm in Chester Township the bones were discovered in the mid-20th Century.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society December Open House

Saturday, December 16, 2023 between 1:00-4:00pm

Bainbridge Township Historical Society will have an Open House at the Bissell-Tucek Museum, 17870 Chillicothe Road, on Saturday, December 16 from 1:00pm-4:00pm. Stop by and see our new winter exhibit, Oh What Fun…Sledding Through the Years! Also, don’t miss seeing the display of the mail plane wing from the December 1929 crash that occurred on Haskins Road. Holiday guests in town? Our museum is also open by appointment! Call 440-399-7185. Free admission.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Open House and Heritage Park Tree Lighting Event

Saturday, November 25, 2023 between 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Open House at the Bissell-Tucek Museum, 17870 Chillicothe Road, on Saturday, November 25 from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. The museum will be open for self-guided tours before, during and after the Bainbridge Township Tree Lighting in Heritage Park. Come and enjoy our newest exhibit, Oh What Fun…Sledding Through the Years! Also on display, are the remains of an airplane wing from the December 1929 crash of a mail plane on Haskins Road. Free admission

Bainbridge Township Historical Society November Open House & *NEW EXHIBIT*

Saturday, November 18, 1:00-4:00pm

Bainbridge Twp. Historical Society presents a new exhibit: Oh What Fun…Sledding Through the Years! The new exhibit will begin with a November 18 Open House from 1 – 4pm. An array of sleds from different eras will be on display at the Bissell-Tucek Museum, 17870 Chillicothe Road (south of the fire station). The exhibit will continue through March 20, 2024. Enjoy a self-guided or docent-led tour. Free admission.

Bainbridge Township Historical Society November 2023 Program Meeting

Wednesday, November 8

The Sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald – Join Michael Zronek, a 1972 Solon High School graduate, as he recounts his experience as a 20-year-old U.S. Coast Guardsman sent to rescue the 29 crew members aboard the ore carrier SS Edmund Fitzgerald.  The November 10, 1975, storm on Lake Superior proved to be too powerful for the “Fitz” and the rescue mission quickly became a harrowing mission to locate the wreckage.  

Bainbridge Township Historical Society October 2023 Program Meeting

Wednesday, October 11

Favorite Stories of First Ladies – Mike Snyder will feature stories about some of his favorite First Ladies, including a First Lady who spoke fluent Mandarin and Latin; a First Lady who was the niece of her presidential uncle; and a First Lady who bore her husband seven children after his first wife bore him eight children!  Do you know which First Lady had a first name of Frank? Come find out who these ladies were. 

Please note that the Program Meetings will begin at 7PM at the Bainbridge Township Library’s Community Room. 

Bainbridge Township Historical Society September 2023 Program Meeting

Wednesday, September 13

The History of Centerville Mills – John Kudley, Jr. of the Aurora Historical Society will present a program on the founding and history of Centerville Mills YMCA Camp.  The camp is now owned by Bainbridge Township as a park.  (This is a reschedule of January’s canceled program and will be held at the Burns-Lindow Building, 8465 Bainbridge Road, corner of 306 and Bainbridge Road)

May 2023 Program Meeting

Wednesday, May 10

On May 10 at 7:00pm the Bainbridge Township Historical Society will host local historian Carole Drabek in the community room at the Bainbridge Library located at 17222 Snyder Road. The program will highlight the rich history of the South Newbury Union Chapel on Route 44, which dates back to 1858. Important people such as Susan B. Anthony and Harriet Taylor Upton once spoke there. It was an important part of the women’s suffrage movement and provided a platform for free speech. All are welcome to this free program.

April 2023 Program Meeting

Wednesday, April 12

On April 12 at 7:00pm the Bainbridge Township Historical Society will host coin expert David Consolo in the community room at the Bainbridge Library located at 17222 Snyder Road. Mr. Consolo is a PCGS licensed coin dealer and will speak about American coins. All are welcome to attend this free program.

March 2023 Program Meeting

Wednesday, March 8
The Bainbridge Township Historical Society will host Cleveland historian and storyteller Dennis Sutcliffe on March 8 at 7 pm in the community room at the Bainbridge Library, 17222 Snyder Road. The evening’s program will be about the rise of Nazis and Stormtroopers during the 1930’s in Cleveland, and the fight against them by Rabbi Abba Silver’s League for Human Rights. All are welcome to this free program.

February 2023 Program Meeting

Wednesday, February 8

Linda Barnard, will present a history of Twilea, the charming housing development off Rt. 306, across from Tanglewood.

January 2023 Program Meeting

Wednesday, January 11

John Kudley, president of Aurora Historical Society, will present an interesting program about the founding and history of Centerville Mills YMCA camp located on Crackel Road. Part of it is now a township park in Bainbridge.

November 2022 Program Meeting

Wednesday, November 9

Barbara Hesse, BTHS Member and Historian, will present a program on “The Great Johnstown Flood.”

October 2022 Program Meeting

Wednesday, October 12

Speaker Ginnie Jeschelnig will entertain us with the amazing story of Robert Manry’s 1965 journey across the Atlantic Ocen in his 13.5 foot boat name Tinkerbelle.  Manry, who worked at the Cleveland Plain Dealer as a copy editor, took 78 days to make the voyage from Massachusetts to England.

September 2022 Program Meeting

Wednesday, September 14

Dennis Sutcliffe—”Have Fun with Cleveland History”.  A program of trivia questions covering twentieth century people, places and events.

Bainbridge Rox @ Centerville Mills 8558 Crackle Road

Saturday, August  27th 

Community Event.  Food, music, games, and more.  Please visit for more information.

June 2022 Annual Picnic

Tuesday, June 7th @ 6:00PM

Bainbridge Township Historical Society Annual Picnic at Frohring Meadows (in the shelter).  Please bring your own picnic dinner and settings.  Cold beverages will be provided.

Summer Kickoff Fun Event

Saturday, June 4th – Festivities begins at 4pm

Special FREE event scheduled for Saturday, June 4th at the Bissell-Tucek House Museum and Heritage Park (Route 306, south of the Fire Station).  Schedule of events:

  • 4-6pm Free admission to the Bissell-Tucek Museum
  • 5-8pm Free concert by “No Control” (a classic rock band) at the Heritage Park Gazebo
  • 5-6pm The Eye Scream Truck will have ice cream available for purchase.

Bring your lawn chairs or a blanket and enjoy the music and festivities as we kickoff summer.

May 2022 Program Meeting, Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

Wednesday, May 11th @ 7:00PM

We will meet at the Bainbridge Township Library (corner of Snyder and E. Washington Street).  Bainbridge Township resident, Jim Henry, a descendant of the early Henry Family on Geauga Lake Road, will speak of his family’s history in the township.

April 2022 Program Meeting

Wednesday, April 13th @ 7:00PM

City of Aurora Councilman, John Kudley, will present a history of Geauga Lake Park.

March 2022 Program Meeting

Wednesday, March 9th @ 7:00PM

We will once again meet at the Bainbridge Township Library.  The program will be “Behind the Front Door—Secrets and Surprising Stories of our Presidents, and then some” presented to us by Susan Cannavino.

February 2022 Program Meeting

Wednesday, February 9th @ 7:00PM

We will meet at the Bainbridge Township Library (corner of Snyder and E. Washington Street).  The program will consist of residents/members sharing their special knowledge and experiences in “days of old” in Bainbridge.

January 2022 Program Meeting – No Schedule Meeting

No schedule meeting.


November 2021 Program Meeting

Wednesday, November 10th @ 7:30PM

Police Chief Jon Bokovitz will speak at the Bainbridge Township Town Hall.

October 2021 Program Meeting

Wednesday, October 13th @ 7:30PM

Ginny Jeschlnig will talk on gambling and crime in the olden days of Geauga County at the Bainbridge Township Town Hall.

September 2021 Program Meeting

Wednesday, September 8th @ 7:30PM

The history of the house and property of Charles English, now the Charles and Barbara Hesse home on Bainbridge Rd.  Meet at The Hesse Home. Weather permitting.


May 2020 Program Meeting – CANCELED

Wednesday, May 13th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306 at 7:30pm.  “Bloody Corner & Beyond-Cleveland’s Prohibition Era Mob Bosses” – A Lost Cleveland Memory Program presented by Dennis Sutcliffe.  Dennis Sutcliffe is a local historian who has researched some of Cleveland’s lost memories and brought them back to us through his storytelling and power point presentations.  This program is about one of the bloodiest periods in time in Cleveland’s history and the rival gangs fighting to control the city’s rackets.

This program is being sponsored by Nationwide/Skala Insurance.

April 2020 Program Meeting – CANCELED

Wednesday, April 8th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306 at 7:30pm.  “Land of Lakes & Ledges” presented by Geauga Park District.  As Cleveland’s metropolis grew with industry and immigration, people sought respite from the grime and grind of city life by retreating to the scenic rock outcroppings and tranquil natural lakes of Lake and Geauga Counties.  Take an imaginary 1900’s trolley trip to these country vacation spots and tourist stops as a slide show of photographs and postcards illustrate the nostalgic tour of the once-upon-a-time resorts at Little Mountain, Chester Caves, Bass Lake and Punderson Lake. 

March 2020 Program Meeting

Wednesday, March 11th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306 at 7:30pm.  “Mourning Practices” by Lysa Lane Stanton.  Lysa Lane Stanton, President of Westlake Historical Society, will give us some insight on funeral traditions and mourning practices of the past.  We promise it will be more interesting and exciting than it sounds!

February 2020 Program Meeting

Wednesday, February 12th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306 at 7:30pm.  Bainbridge Township Fire Chief Lou Ann Metz will join us.  Listen and learn about the operation of our fire station and how modern times dictate changes.  Hear about what’s new in the fire industry and get to know Chief Metz, who has been in Bainbridge for the last three years.


November 2019 Program Meeting

Wednesday, November 13th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306 at 7:30pm.  Sunny Morton is an award-winning genealogy writer, editor and speaker. She is a Contributing Editor at Family Tree Magazine, an Editor of Ohio Genealogy News, and an official blogger at the world’s largest free genealogy website FamilySearch. She is author of several books on topics of genealogy research. Join us and learn how to reconstruct memories from the past and how to turn them into a good story, and why it’s important to write them down!  This program is sponsored by Skala Insurance Agency,LLC a Nationwide Insurance Agency

October 2019 Program Meeting

Wednesday, October 9th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306 at 7:30pm.  Jim Grant is a former employee of Warner and Swasey Company and author of two books which he has generously gifted to BTHS on the subject of the Gradall excavator. The Gradall hydraulic excavator was invented in 1944 by the Ferwerda brothers who lived in Lake Lucerne. Through powerpoint and old photographs he will tell the story of two men from small-town Bainbridge and how their invention contributed to the success of a globally-recognized manufacturer of hydraulic construction equipment.

September 2019 Program Meeting

Wednesday, September 11th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306 at 7:30pm.  Foster Brown is a naturalist at North Chagrin Nature Center and has been with Cleveland Metroparks since 1996. Through music and his character, Quarry Man, he will reveal the mysteries of the sandstone quarry industry of Ohio and explain the hard work and tragedies endured by these men and their families.

July 2019 Bissell-Tucek Museum Open House

Tuesday, July 2nd at the Bissell-Tucek Museum.  The Bissell-Tucek Museum will be open to the public during the Heritage Park Summer Concert.  Concert begins at 7:00pm, the Museum will be open from 6:30 to 8:30pm.  Come and see what’s on display before, during or after this musical event!

April 2019 Program 

Wednesday, April 10th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306. 7:30pm.  Growing up Cleveland – Barnaby, Captain Penny and Ghoulardi. Baby boomers raised in Cleveland grew up with a variety of unique children’s television hosts – including the lovable Barnaby, the affable Captain Penny and the outrageous Ghoulardi.  Relive the days of early television and along the way have fun with some children’s television trivia.

March 2019 Program

Wednesday, March 13th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306. 7:30pm.  Beth Croup will speak about rug hooking, a technique she has engaged in since 2001.  She and her husband, Jim, have displayed rug making vat various venues in Geauga County.  

February 2019 Program

Wednesday, February 13th at the Burns-Lindow Building at the corner of Bainbridge Road and Route 306. 7:30pm.  Our famed Henry family has spent time in Alaska and we are fortunate to have Jim, husband of Bainbridge Township Historical Society Board Member Grace Henry, to share his recent teaching experience with us.  Jim taught in Deering, Alaska, a community of about 125 and in a single school of about 29 students (K-12).  They have a subsistence lifestyle with Alaskan-Japanese influence working in gold mines.  When Jim left last fall, moose, caribou and grizzly bear hunting was going on.  Also includes a fascinating story of Al Capone. 


Holiday Event – 2018

Saturday, December 8 at the Bissell-Tucek House Museum from 1-4pm.  Refreshments, holiday decorations and holiday carols performed by students from Kenston High School.  More details to come. 

Annual Garage Sale – 2018

Saturday, June 16, 2018   If you wish to donate items, please contact Barbara Hesse at 440-543-3235.  Proceeds help underwrite improvements to the Bissell-Tucek home.

Bainbridge Library Summer Kick-Off

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at Heritage Park.  The Bissell-Tucek History House will be open from 4-7pm.

Student Tours – May 2018

Wednesday, May 16 and Thursday, May 17 (morning)  Timmons Elementary School, 3rd grade tours